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At CloudCom, our mission is to facilitate the success of our customers by providing innovative, tailor-made IT services.We strive to support growthand want our customers to be able to focus on their core activities and flourishing their business. So that organizations can effortlessly benefit from IT, with an understanding partner at their side. We want to set the standard for flexible, scalable and customer-oriented IT services, and add value to every company we work with.


visie, missie en waarden


Become a leading supplier for IT services.

Transforming the way businesses work and realize their potential through innovative cloud technologies.


Delivering high-quality, scalable and secure cloud solutions that meet customer needs. Providing excellent customer service and building long-term partnerships.


Innovation: pursuit of new ideas and future-oriented technologies.

Reliability: ensuring reliable and secure cloud services.Customer focus: understand the needs and goals of our customers.

wie is cloudcom

zaakvoerder Jeroen en Christophe in de inkom van CloudCom

CloudCom was founded in 2006 by merging the business and technological expertise of Jeroen and Christophe. There has been a significant transformation since then. What initially started as an IT partner for private individuals and small businesses grew into a specialization in business services.We now focus on business customers and offer a wide range of services, including IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, connectivity, consulting and especially hybrid cloud solutions.


samen naar een duurzame toekomst

our cloudcom vision, mission and values

Become a leading supplier for IT services.

Transforming the way businesses work and realize their potential through innovative cloud technologies.

de zon als bron

We streven naar een groenere toekomst met zonnepanelen op ons kantoor. Deze duurzame energiebron vermindert onze ecologische voetafdruk en draagt bij aan een schonere omgeving.

milieuvriendelijk reizen

Laadpalen en voertuigen waren de volgende stap naar duurzaamheid. Onze zonnepanelen maakten het mogelijk om het CloudCom-team op een milieuvriendelijke manier te laten reizen.

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